Council Calendar Forms Library
Campmaster Corps Interest Form

Plese complete this Interest Form and submit to the Juniata Council, Boy Scouts of America. You will be contacted with further informtion. Thank You

* First Name
* Last Name
* Address
* Phone Number
Email Address
* Who Are you Currently Registered with?
Plese indicate your primary position
* Unit Number (if District, list name)
* Date of Birth
* Have you Completed Youth Protection Training?
* Date of Youth Protection Training
* Please indicate the Training you have completed
Check all that apply
New Leader Essentiaals leader Specific for your current position Outdoor Leader Training Woodbadge List other Training's you have completed
* How many years have you served as a volunteer with the Juniata Valley Council, BSA?
Is there any other informtion you would like to share with us?


Juniata Valley Council, BSA, 9 Taylor Drive, Reedsville PA 17084  (717) 667-9236 (voice)  (717) 667-9798 (fax)